Welcome to Statistics I (Eon-2140-R22). I will be regularly posting class materials on this webpage . Office hours are scheduled Mondays and Thursdays 1 to 2 PM, or by appointment. Always feel free to visit with me about your questions and concerns; email me at eelkoudouss@fordham.edu to arrange an appointment.
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to basic statistics and its applications in business and economics. We cover topics ranging from descriptive statistics, to probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling methods, sampling distributions, confidence interval estimation, and hypothesis testing.
Introduction to Business Statistics, Ronald M. Weiers, 7th edition. ISBN 978-0-538-45219-9
Course Requirements:
There will be three exams in addition to homework assignments. Exams must be taken on their scheduled time, and permission to miss an exam will only be granted under special circumstances. For more information see the official class syllabus.
Lecture Notes
I will make minor updates to these lecture notes. Check up regularly to get the most updated version of these notes.
- Chapter 1: A Preview of Business Statistics
- Chapter 2: Visual Description of Data
- Chapter 3: Statistical Description of Data
- Chapter 4: Data Collection and Sampling Methods
- Chapter 5: Probability: Review of Basic Concepts
- Chapter 6: Discrete Probability Distributions
- Chapter 7: Continuous Probability Distributions
- Chapter 8: Sampling Distributions
- Chapter 9: Estimation from Sample Data
Standard Normal Distribution (Z Table)
Homework Assignments
These are not graded assignments. Use these assignments to practice. I will go over them in class.
Course Resources
- Visual Description of Data using Excel
- Statistical Description of Data using Excel