Syrian Refugees in 2014
Syrian Refugees in 2013
Syrian Refugees in 2012
Syrian Refugees 2011: When War Started
Syrian Refugees 2010: Before the War
Notice that the size of US aid has shrank significantly in the last couple of years (The best way to see this is by clicking on the bar icon located in the middle of the upper-right corner of the graph.). Notice also the volatility and magnitude of US aid to the following countries: Afghanistan, Benin, Jordan, Egypt, Gambia, Georgia, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Senegal, Tanzania, and Tunisia.
Notice the crazy jump in “Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform” in 2011. Also notice the top sectors to which US aid is allocated include Infrastructure, Agriculture, HIV/AIDS, and Family Planing and Reproductive Health.
The department of Defense shows a jump in spending in 2011 which might explain the behavior of theStabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform sector. U.S Agency for International Development and the Millennium Challenge Corporation are top spenders.
The data is from and the file as I downloaded it is here.
The R code is here.