This application visualizes COVID-19 data for the African Continent. It updates daily. Be sure to check the “TIME SERIES” tab to choose a country of interest and see the evolution of its cases and deaths. Note that figures and maps are interactive. Data visualized in maps is cumulative up to date.
Reshaping World Economic Outlook Data in R
Describing Where US Aid Goes in Words
Mapping Syrian Refugees
Syrian Refugees in 2014
// jsData function gvisDataGeoChartID13a82ee55673 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "United Arab Emirates", 28 ], [ "Argentina", 233 ], [ "Armenia", 14994 ], [ "Australia", 302 ], [ "Austria", 2748 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 7 ], [ "Belgium", 2620 ], [ "Bulgaria", 8501 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 25 ], [ "Belarus", 72 ], [ "Bolivia ", 6 ], [ "Brazil", 1739 ], [ "Canada", 705 ], [ "Switzerland", 5161 ], [ "Chile", 6 ], [ "China", 5 ], [ "Costa Rica", 5 ], [ "Cuba", 20 ], [ "Cyprus", 1451 ], [ "Czech Republic", 236 ], [ "Germany", 40994 ], [ "Denmark", 7253 ], [ "Ecuador", 13 ], [ "Egypt", 138381 ], [ "Spain", 1336 ], [ "Estonia", 6 ], [ "Finland", 438 ], [ "France", 2882 ], [ "United Kingdom", 4572 ], [ "Georgia", 471 ], [ "Ghana", 5 ], [ "Greece", 3913 ], [ "Croatia", 22 ], [ "Hungary", 334 ], [ "Indonesia", 43 ], [ "India", 27 ], [ "Ireland", 176 ], [ "Iraq", 234196 ], [ "Iceland", 7 ], [ "Italy", 1144 ], [ "Jordan", 623112 ], [ "Japan", 41 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 14 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 56 ], [ "Rep. of Korea", 503 ], [ "Kuwait", 15 ], [ "Lebanon", 1147494 ], [ "Liberia", 6 ], [ "Libya", 18653 ], [ "Liechtenstein", 5 ], [ "Lithuania", 20 ], [ "Luxembourg", 59 ], [ "Latvia", 52 ], [ "Morocco", 647 ], [ "Rep. of Moldova", 186 ], [ "Mexico", 13 ], [ "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", 11 ], [ "Mali", 16 ], [ "Malta", 1047 ], [ "Mauritania", 41 ], [ "Malaysia", 447 ], [ "Niger", 6 ], [ "Nigeria", 11 ], [ "Netherlands", 8692 ], [ "Norway", 2568 ], [ "New Zealand", 48 ], [ "Oman", 7 ], [ "Pakistan", 16 ], [ "Peru", 20 ], [ "Philippines", 19 ], [ "Poland", 240 ], [ "Portugal", 15 ], [ "Paraguay", 7 ], [ "Qatar", 14 ], [ "Romania", 1278 ], [ "Russian Federation", 1927 ], [ "Saudi Arabia", 18 ], [ "Sudan", 797 ], [ "Serbia and Kosovo", 6 ], [ "Slovakia", 40 ], [ "Slovenia", 20 ], [ "Sweden", 34285 ], [ "Chad", 15 ], [ "Thailand", 82 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 8 ], [ "Tunisia", 558 ], [ "Turkey", 1557899 ], [ "Ukraine", 341 ], [ "Uruguay", 48 ], [ "United States of America", 4750 ], [ "Yemen", 2276 ], [ "South Africa", 28 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country.territory.of.asylum.residence'); data.addColumn('number','Syrian.Refugees'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoChartID13a82ee55673() { var data = gvisDataGeoChartID13a82ee55673(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 347; options["projection"] = "kavrayskiy-vii"; options["colorAxis"] = {values:[0, 35, 26260, 1558000], colors:['gray', 'green', 'orange', 'red']};
var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( document.getElementById('GeoChartID13a82ee55673') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geochart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoChartID13a82ee55673); })(); function displayChartGeoChartID13a82ee55673() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Syrian Refugees in 2013
// jsData function gvisDataGeoChartID13a86efe128f () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "United Arab Emirates", 16 ], [ "Argentina", 159 ], [ "Armenia", 11090 ], [ "Australia", 265 ], [ "Austria", 2748 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 9 ], [ "Belgium", 1987 ], [ "Benin", 1 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2104 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 48 ], [ "Belarus", 35 ], [ "Bolivia ", 3 ], [ "Brazil", 333 ], [ "Barbados", 1 ], [ "Canada", 592 ], [ "Switzerland", 2012 ], [ "Chile", 5 ], [ "Côte d'Ivoire", 2 ], [ "Cameroon", 1 ], [ "Colombia", 2 ], [ "Costa Rica", 1 ], [ "Cuba", 24 ], [ "Curaçao", 1 ], [ "Cyprus", 316 ], [ "Czech Rep.", 149 ], [ "Germany", 21253 ], [ "Denmark", 3271 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 3 ], [ "Ecuador", 11 ], [ "Egypt", 131659 ], [ "Spain", 180 ], [ "Estonia", 2 ], [ "Finland", 352 ], [ "France", 1474 ], [ "United Kingdom", 3169 ], [ "Georgia", 516 ], [ "Ghana", 1 ], [ "Greece", 195 ], [ "Croatia", 22 ], [ "Hungary", 141 ], [ "Indonesia", 36 ], [ "India", 18 ], [ "Ireland", 71 ], [ "Iraq", 212809 ], [ "Iceland", 7 ], [ "Israel", 1 ], [ "Italy", 840 ], [ "Jamaica", 2 ], [ "Jordan", 585304 ], [ "Japan", 26 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 7 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 14 ], [ "Kuwait", 13 ], [ "Lebanon", 851284 ], [ "Libya", 16796 ], [ "Saint Lucia", 1 ], [ "Lithuania", 18 ], [ "Luxembourg", 5 ], [ "Latvia", 33 ], [ "Morocco", 856 ], [ "Rep. of Moldova", 139 ], [ "Mexico", 13 ], [ "Malta", 776 ], [ "Mauritania", 5 ], [ "Malaysia", 101 ], [ "Niger", 6 ], [ "Nigeria", 9 ], [ "Netherlands", 3404 ], [ "Norway", 1311 ], [ "New Zealand", 43 ], [ "Oman", 7 ], [ "Pakistan", 13 ], [ "Peru", 3 ], [ "Philippines", 7 ], [ "Poland", 108 ], [ "Portugal", 14 ], [ "Qatar", 8 ], [ "Romania", 932 ], [ "Russian Federation", 1163 ], [ "Saudi Arabia", 14 ], [ "Sudan", 84 ], [ "Serbia and Kosovo", 3 ], [ "Slovakia", 26 ], [ "Slovenia", 9 ], [ "Sweden", 17984 ], [ "Chad", 15 ], [ "Thailand", 44 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 1 ], [ "Tunisia", 164 ], [ "Turkey", 585601 ], [ "Ukraine", 167 ], [ "United States of America", 3802 ], [ "Yemen", 54 ], [ "South Africa", 8 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country.territory.of.asylum.residence'); data.addColumn('number','Syrian.Refugees'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoChartID13a86efe128f() { var data = gvisDataGeoChartID13a86efe128f(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 347; options["projection"] = "kavrayskiy-vii"; options["colorAxis"] = {values:[0, 35.5, 26260.0, 851300], colors:['gray', 'green', 'orange', 'red']};
var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( document.getElementById('GeoChartID13a86efe128f') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geochart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoChartID13a86efe128f); })(); function displayChartGeoChartID13a86efe128f() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Syrian Refugees in 2012
// jsData function gvisDataGeoChartID13a8237f181a () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Afghanistan", 1 ], [ "United Arab Emirates", 16 ], [ "Argentina", 40 ], [ "Armenia", 136 ], [ "Australia", 204 ], [ "Austria", 1675 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 3 ], [ "Belgium", 355 ], [ "Benin", 1 ], [ "Bulgaria", 97 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 5 ], [ "Brazil", 42 ], [ "Canada", 533 ], [ "Switzerland", 1391 ], [ "Cameroon", 1 ], [ "Colombia", 1 ], [ "Cuba", 11 ], [ "Cyprus", 139 ], [ "Czech Rep.", 54 ], [ "Germany", 18165 ], [ "Denmark", 1903 ], [ "Dominican Rep.", 7 ], [ "Ecuador", 11 ], [ "Egypt", 12836 ], [ "Spain", 32 ], [ "Finland", 218 ], [ "France", 640 ], [ "United Kingdom", 1717 ], [ "Georgia", 141 ], [ "Greece", 20 ], [ "Croatia", 12 ], [ "Hungary", 86 ], [ "Indonesia", 5 ], [ "India", 6 ], [ "Ireland", 38 ], [ "Iraq", 63586 ], [ "Iceland", 2 ], [ "Italy", 445 ], [ "Jordan", 238798 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 7 ], [ "Kuwait", 15 ], [ "Lebanon", 126939 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 1 ], [ "Lithuania", 5 ], [ "Latvia", 17 ], [ "Moldova", 55 ], [ "Mexico", 2 ], [ "Malta", 191 ], [ "Malaysia", 4 ], [ "Netherlands", 1449 ], [ "Norway", 565 ], [ "New Zealand", 41 ], [ "Oman", 7 ], [ "Pakistan", 11 ], [ "Poland", 17 ], [ "Qatar", 8 ], [ "Romania", 152 ], [ "Russian Federation", 53 ], [ "Saudi Arabia", 14 ], [ "Slovakia", 24 ], [ "Slovenia", 2 ], [ "Sweden", 6051 ], [ "Chad", 4 ], [ "Togo", 1 ], [ "Thailand", 10 ], [ "Tunisia", 6 ], [ "Turkey", 248466 ], [ "Ukraine", 63 ], [ "United States of America", 1425 ], [ "Yemen", 42 ], [ "South Africa", 2 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country.territory.of.asylum.residence'); data.addColumn('number','Syrian.Refugees'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoChartID13a8237f181a() { var data = gvisDataGeoChartID13a8237f181a(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 347; options["projection"] = "kavrayskiy-vii"; options["colorAxis"] = {values:[0, 38 , 10270 , 248500], colors:['gray', 'green', 'orange', 'red']};
var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( document.getElementById('GeoChartID13a8237f181a') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geochart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoChartID13a8237f181a); })(); function displayChartGeoChartID13a8237f181a() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Syrian Refugees 2011: When War Started
// jsData function gvisDataGeoChartID13a83b326755 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "United Arab Emirates", 37 ], [ "Armenia", 6 ], [ "Australia", 84 ], [ "Austria", 903 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 1 ], [ "Belgium", 312 ], [ "Benin", 1 ], [ "Bulgaria", 98 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 1 ], [ "Brazil", 6 ], [ "Canada", 547 ], [ "Switzerland", 1074 ], [ "Cyprus", 137 ], [ "Czech Rep.", 23 ], [ "Germany", 10155 ], [ "Denmark", 1197 ], [ "Ecuador", 11 ], [ "Egypt", 9 ], [ "Spain", 32 ], [ "Finland", 86 ], [ "France", 351 ], [ "United Kingdom", 693 ], [ "Greece", 10 ], [ "Hungary", 42 ], [ "Ireland", 27 ], [ "Iraq", 323 ], [ "Iceland", 1 ], [ "Italy", 262 ], [ "Jordan", 193 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 9 ], [ "Kuwait", 10 ], [ "Lebanon", 124 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 1 ], [ "Lithuania", 4 ], [ "Latvia", 4 ], [ "Rep. of Moldova", 11 ], [ "Malta", 80 ], [ "Malaysia", 4 ], [ "Netherlands", 1064 ], [ "Norway", 171 ], [ "New Zealand", 35 ], [ "Oman", 7 ], [ "Pakistan", 8 ], [ "Poland", 10 ], [ "Qatar", 8 ], [ "Romania", 20 ], [ "Russian Federation", 4 ], [ "Saudi Arabia", 14 ], [ "Slovakia", 23 ], [ "Sweden", 1206 ], [ "Chad", 3 ], [ "Togo", 1 ], [ "Tunisia", 11 ], [ "Turkey", 19 ], [ "Ukraine", 43 ], [ "United States of America", 373 ], [ "Yemen", 42 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country.territory.of.asylum.residence'); data.addColumn('number','Syrian.Refugees'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoChartID13a83b326755() { var data = gvisDataGeoChartID13a83b326755(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 347; options["projection"] = "kavrayskiy-vii"; options["colorAxis"] = {values:[0, 23.0 , 349.7 , 10160], colors:['gray', 'green', 'orange', 'red']};
var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( document.getElementById('GeoChartID13a83b326755') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geochart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoChartID13a83b326755); })(); function displayChartGeoChartID13a83b326755() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Syrian Refugees 2010: Before the War
// jsData function gvisDataGeoChartID13a86b732d2e () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "United Arab Emirates", 34 ], [ "Australia", 68 ], [ "Austria", 505 ], [ "Belgium", 229 ], [ "Benin", 1 ], [ "Bulgaria", 95 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 1 ], [ "Brazil", 5 ], [ "Canada", 545 ], [ "Switzerland", 694 ], [ "Cyprus", 125 ], [ "Czech Rep.", 23 ], [ "Germany", 10518 ], [ "Denmark", 750 ], [ "Ecuador", 9 ], [ "Egypt", 8 ], [ "Spain", 35 ], [ "Finland", 59 ], [ "France", 280 ], [ "United Kingdom", 499 ], [ "Greece", 16 ], [ "Hungary", 39 ], [ "Ireland", 34 ], [ "Iraq", 254 ], [ "Iceland", 1 ], [ "Italy", 211 ], [ "Jordan", 198 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 11 ], [ "Kuwait", 4 ], [ "Lebanon", 64 ], [ "Lithuania", 3 ], [ "Rep. of Moldova", 10 ], [ "Malta", 33 ], [ "Netherlands", 1186 ], [ "Norway", 186 ], [ "New Zealand", 36 ], [ "Oman", 7 ], [ "Pakistan", 8 ], [ "Poland", 8 ], [ "Qatar", 8 ], [ "Romania", 21 ], [ "Russian Federation", 5 ], [ "Saudi Arabia", 14 ], [ "Slovakia", 22 ], [ "Sweden", 1169 ], [ "Chad", 1 ], [ "Tunisia", 5 ], [ "Turkey", 9 ], [ "Ukraine", 42 ], [ "United States of America", 312 ], [ "Yemen", 52 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country.territory.of.asylum.residence'); data.addColumn('number','Syrian.Refugees'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartGeoChartID13a86b732d2e() { var data = gvisDataGeoChartID13a86b732d2e(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 556; options["height"] = 347; options["projection"] = "kavrayskiy-vii"; options["colorAxis"] = {values:[0, 34.0 , 361.8, 10520], colors:['gray', 'green', 'orange', 'red']};
var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart( document.getElementById('GeoChartID13a86b732d2e') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "geochart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartGeoChartID13a86b732d2e); })(); function displayChartGeoChartID13a86b732d2e() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Download the Data and Code
US Aid in Motion, Hans Rosling Style
US Aid Overtime for All Countries
// jsData function gvisDataMotionChartIDdf446b06400 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Afghanistan", 2009, 1438317450 ], [ "Afghanistan", 2010, 1815362082 ], [ "Afghanistan", 2011, 6601525216 ], [ "Afghanistan", 2012, 2175621820 ], [ "Afghanistan", 2013, 1227421439 ], [ "Afghanistan", 2014, 1949869562 ], [ "Afghanistan", 2015, 289108852.8 ], [ "Albania", 2009, 17902495.9 ], [ "Albania", 2010, 24396922.36 ], [ "Albania", 2011, 17947639.51 ], [ "Albania", 2012, 14015529.93 ], [ "Albania", 2013, 16183985.71 ], [ "Albania", 2014, 24979637.12 ], [ "Albania", 2015, 3265891.89 ], [ "Algeria", 2009, 37206741.19 ], [ "Algeria", 2010, 39361281.34 ], [ "Algeria", 2011, 55749245.09 ], [ "Algeria", 2012, 58126245.29 ], [ "Algeria", 2013, 40010948.09 ], [ "Algeria", 2014, 40124803.24 ], [ "Andorra", 2009, 102081360.2 ], [ "Andorra", 2010, 95207922.61 ], [ "Andorra", 2011, 128513118.4 ], [ "Andorra", 2012, 91308636.97 ], [ "Andorra", 2013, 93234585.46 ], [ "Andorra", 2014, 56274632.41 ], [ "Angola", 2009, 63780211.65 ], [ "Angola", 2010, 83464193.95 ], [ "Angola", 2011, 97293179.64 ], [ "Angola", 2012, 114312771.1 ], [ "Angola", 2013, 116844169.3 ], [ "Angola", 2014, 81565188.25 ], [ "Angola", 2015, 513024.58 ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", 2009, 14594547.06 ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", 2010, 16771098.39 ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", 2011, 17273227.16 ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", 2012, 19903285.61 ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", 2013, 19244539.71 ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", 2014, 27703361.2 ], [ "Argentina", 2009, 48646952.5 ], [ "Argentina", 2010, 71272836.7 ], [ "Argentina", 2011, 59045942.66 ], [ "Argentina", 2012, 58323991.39 ], [ "Argentina", 2013, 72311595.2 ], [ "Argentina", 2014, 53082798.98 ], [ "Armenia", 2005, 55214.13 ], [ "Armenia", 2006, 2870253.78 ], [ "Armenia", 2007, 30800666.22 ], [ "Armenia", 2008, 51516095.91 ], [ "Armenia", 2009, 110692354 ], [ "Armenia", 2010, 190520457.1 ], [ "Armenia", 2011, 261082074.7 ], [ "Armenia", 2012, 70179497.52 ], [ "Armenia", 2013, 57342999.66 ], [ "Armenia", 2014, 61836181.63 ], [ "Armenia", 2015, 5432092.14 ], [ "Australia", 2009, 51521113.42 ], [ "Australia", 2010, 71694765.64 ], [ "Australia", 2011, 78585239.18 ], [ "Australia", 2012, 79189649.21 ], [ "Australia", 2013, 87014479.61 ], [ "Australia", 2014, 62163589.41 ], [ "Austria", 2009, 14735936.03 ], [ "Austria", 2010, 14579249.23 ], [ "Austria", 2011, 15513439.84 ], [ "Austria", 2012, 11568940.79 ], [ "Austria", 2013, 9185076.83 ], [ "Austria", 2014, 11749744.47 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2009, 36757290.3 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2010, 33511132.59 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2011, 40542062.89 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2012, 36847577.65 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2013, 31446396.53 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2014, 28674976.38 ], [ "Azerbaijan", 2015, 464171.78 ], [ "Bahamas, The", 2009, 13201255.28 ], [ "Bahamas, The", 2010, 18060997.47 ], [ "Bahamas, The", 2011, 38592046.3 ], [ "Bahamas, The", 2012, 32449437.64 ], [ "Bahamas, The", 2013, 19853699.24 ], [ "Bahamas, The", 2014, 18157613.52 ], [ "Bahrain", 2009, 23745864.98 ], [ "Bahrain", 2010, 24699114.77 ], [ "Bahrain", 2011, 32014515.87 ], [ "Bahrain", 2012, 23973831.12 ], [ "Bahrain", 2013, 17250284.23 ], [ "Bahrain", 2014, 18121214.47 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2009, 62036659.99 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2010, 83879506.99 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2011, 101609753.3 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2012, 161718110.6 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2013, 165383300.8 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2014, 361821702.1 ], [ "Bangladesh", 2015, 34894675.6 ], [ "Barbados", 2009, 11483789.64 ], [ "Barbados", 2010, 12734931.7 ], [ "Barbados", 2011, 14272157.98 ], [ "Barbados", 2012, 14085600.37 ], [ "Barbados", 2013, 17121320.47 ], [ "Barbados", 2014, 20371908.62 ], [ "Barbados", 2015, 525350.08 ], [ "Belarus", 2009, 96084906.54 ], [ "Belarus", 2010, 129945431.1 ], [ "Belarus", 2011, 198296463.1 ], [ "Belarus", 2012, 229380330.3 ], [ "Belarus", 2013, 213007390.6 ], [ "Belarus", 2014, 188429397.6 ], [ "Belgium", 2011, 15345 ], [ "Belgium", 2012, 16869 ], [ "Belize", 2009, 339574809.8 ], [ "Belize", 2010, 352330627.6 ], [ "Belize", 2011, 516456048.3 ], [ "Belize", 2012, 338865951.2 ], [ "Belize", 2013, 69277776.34 ], [ "Belize", 2014, 95655302.76 ], [ "Belize", 2015, 381627.02 ], [ "Benin", 2005, 20848.37 ], [ "Benin", 2006, 10095836.85 ], [ "Benin", 2007, 29959513.2 ], [ "Benin", 2008, 29118753.19 ], [ "Benin", 2009, 124062270.4 ], [ "Benin", 2010, 241343451.1 ], [ "Benin", 2011, 496202468.6 ], [ "Benin", 2012, 81816354.03 ], [ "Benin", 2013, 54394826.71 ], [ "Benin", 2014, 65871909.45 ], [ "Benin", 2015, 3852217.86 ], [ "Bhutan", 2009, 6636693.5 ], [ "Bhutan", 2010, 3363787.3 ], [ "Bhutan", 2011, 8668832.45 ], [ "Bhutan", 2012, 18412705.36 ], [ "Bhutan", 2013, 17000106.18 ], [ "Bhutan", 2014, 11071171.53 ], [ "Bolivia", 2006, 1084 ], [ "Bolivia", 2007, 935.75 ], [ "Bolivia", 2009, 66464644.34 ], [ "Bolivia", 2010, 59117366.12 ], [ "Bolivia", 2011, 55861240.81 ], [ "Bolivia", 2012, 62711687.04 ], [ "Bolivia", 2013, 36415203.92 ], [ "Bolivia", 2014, 11783619.3 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2009, 18082680.42 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2010, 23300816.33 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2011, 29325051.77 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2012, 27906038.93 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2013, 23005688.19 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2014, 27201964.08 ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2015, 724926 ], [ "Botswana", 2009, 160238066.8 ], [ "Botswana", 2010, 66938723.76 ], [ "Botswana", 2011, 20403629.96 ], [ "Botswana", 2012, 12366844.15 ], [ "Botswana", 2013, 35128289.15 ], [ "Botswana", 2014, 38241230.41 ], [ "Botswana", 2015, 5420069.4 ], [ "Brazil", 2009, 13147400.78 ], [ "Brazil", 2010, 22965293.45 ], [ "Brazil", 2011, 26130636.27 ], [ "Brazil", 2012, 19242786.97 ], [ "Brazil", 2013, 9104873.17 ], [ "Brazil", 2014, 14426184.24 ], [ "Brazil", 2015, 181545.36 ], [ "Brunei", 2010, 30510.64 ], [ "Brunei", 2011, 691352.5 ], [ "Brunei", 2012, 650680.72 ], [ "Brunei", 2013, 1528462.84 ], [ "Brunei", 2014, 2212942.15 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2009, 2525239.82 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2010, 3617163.35 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2011, 4614294.61 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2012, 3021966.7 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2013, 2583411.51 ], [ "Bulgaria", 2014, 665336.49 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2005, 23004.95 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2006, 38726.6 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2007, 7129917.5 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2008, 21958548.68 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2009, 105300316.8 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2010, 89682590.99 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2011, 119244868.7 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2012, 282350713 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2013, 167981980.3 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2014, 227174961.3 ], [ "Burkina Faso", 2015, 30914676.01 ], [ "Burma", 2009, 35847015.79 ], [ "Burma", 2010, 12229054.65 ], [ "Burma", 2011, 24349832.63 ], [ "Burma", 2012, 23778306.37 ], [ "Burma", 2013, 46373235.96 ], [ "Burma", 2014, 74293772.16 ], [ "Burma", 2015, 12356.82 ], [ "Burundi", 2009, 15359189.88 ], [ "Burundi", 2010, 26332951.03 ], [ "Burundi", 2011, 41181587.52 ], [ "Burundi", 2012, 32673844.66 ], [ "Burundi", 2013, 10615806.68 ], [ "Burundi", 2014, 28675252.31 ], [ "Burundi", 2015, 1902507.14 ], [ "Ivory Coast", 2011, 1623824 ], [ "Ivory Coast", 2012, 7338 ], [ "Ivory Coast", 2013, 45592573.29 ], [ "Ivory Coast", 2014, 35364606.26 ], [ "Ivory Coast", 2015, 1719414.55 ], [ "Cape Verde", 2009, 25491.81 ], [ "Cape Verde", 2010, 442959.57 ], [ "Cape Verde", 2011, 77429.15 ], [ "Cape Verde", 2012, 656321.58 ], [ "Cape Verde", 2013, 590864.09 ], [ "Cape Verde", 2014, 209953.74 ], [ "Cambodia", 2009, 52755244.33 ], [ "Cambodia", 2010, 62753388.74 ], [ "Cambodia", 2011, 64121249.69 ], [ "Cambodia", 2012, 83021106.2 ], [ "Cambodia", 2013, 119245198.8 ], [ "Cambodia", 2014, 426132743.2 ], [ "Cambodia", 2015, 15661739.3 ], [ "Cameroon", 2009, 849161.92 ], [ "Cameroon", 2010, 4621013.5 ], [ "Cameroon", 2011, 6070039.3 ], [ "Cameroon", 2012, 8728356.36 ], [ "Cameroon", 2013, 23441729.73 ], [ "Cameroon", 2014, 31491121.7 ], [ "Cameroon", 2015, 3035458.3 ], [ "Canada", 2006, 15930786.78 ], [ "Canada", 2007, 13565967.18 ], [ "Canada", 2008, 42466254.16 ], [ "Canada", 2009, 67738397.48 ], [ "Canada", 2010, 74531935.55 ], [ "Canada", 2011, 11486811.72 ], [ "Canada", 2012, 4524036.77 ], [ "Canada", 2013, 27720.22 ], [ "Canada", 2014, 22722.38 ], [ "Central African Republic", 2009, 1294486.9 ], [ "Central African Republic", 2010, 3184395.06 ], [ "Central African Republic", 2011, 4669878.27 ], [ "Central African Republic", 2012, 5889783.05 ], [ "Central African Republic", 2013, 1644679.71 ], [ "Central African Republic", 2014, 18618209.69 ], [ "Chad", 2009, 9031724.14 ], [ "Chad", 2010, 13293097.38 ], [ "Chad", 2011, 44728519.96 ], [ "Chad", 2012, 39754183.87 ], [ "Chad", 2013, 12593503.52 ], [ "Chad", 2014, 28330216.36 ], [ "Chad", 2015, 26775.75 ], [ "Chile", 2010, 6535963.94 ], [ "Chile", 2011, 1411059.49 ], [ "Chile", 2012, 1257941.78 ], [ "Chile", 2013, 106285 ], [ "Chile", 2014, 19527 ], [ "China", 2009, 12180710.29 ], [ "China", 2010, 19906987.07 ], [ "China", 2011, 23292578.59 ], [ "China", 2012, 17406524.12 ], [ "China", 2013, 18838188.4 ], [ "China", 2014, 15364159.64 ], [ "China", 2015, 1721663.17 ], [ "Colombia", 2009, 186133617.5 ], [ "Colombia", 2010, 191202911 ], [ "Colombia", 2011, 142447719.6 ], [ "Colombia", 2012, 96889281.87 ], [ "Colombia", 2013, 38626618.39 ], [ "Colombia", 2014, 280859669.9 ], [ "Colombia", 2015, 46699483.72 ], [ "Comoros", 2009, 331164.34 ], [ "Comoros", 2010, 210158.24 ], [ "Comoros", 2011, 307175.11 ], [ "Comoros", 2012, 258362.31 ], [ "Comoros", 2013, 120545.03 ], [ "Comoros", 2014, 373570.59 ], [ "Comoros", 2015, 7799.66 ], [ "The Republic of the Congo", 2013, 68730.2 ], [ "The Republic of the Congo", 2014, 22471.25 ], [ "The Republic of the Congo", 2015, 4892.67 ], [ "Democratic Republic of the Congo", 2011, 625978 ], [ "Democratic Republic of the Congo", 2012, 79958 ], [ "Democratic Republic of the Congo", 2013, 16719271 ], [ "Democratic Republic of the Congo", 2014, 14680348.13 ], [ "Democratic Republic of the Congo", 2015, 754284.03 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2009, 2002998.13 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2010, 5105049.4 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2011, 6475972.7 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2012, 5994754.197 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2013, 7202755.795 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2014, 6281672.57 ], [ "Costa Rica", 2015, 778063.9699 ], [ "Croatia", 2009, 1482346.29 ], [ "Croatia", 2010, 148432.51 ], [ "Croatia", 2011, 638569.25 ], [ "Croatia", 2012, 581735 ], [ "Croatia", 2013, 252654.76 ], [ "Croatia", 2014, 239925.16 ], [ "Croatia", 2015, 2266 ], [ "Cuba", 2009, 16335207.14 ], [ "Cuba", 2010, 14544023.06 ], [ "Cuba", 2011, 11032844.71 ], [ "Cuba", 2012, 10871745.24 ], [ "Cuba", 2013, 4312610.12 ], [ "Cuba", 2014, 6589125.72 ], [ "Cyprus", 2009, 17383944.41 ], [ "Cyprus", 2010, 9484547.73 ], [ "Cyprus", 2011, 12485070.57 ], [ "Cyprus", 2012, 8829090.71 ], [ "Cyprus", 2013, 1097537.11 ], [ "Cyprus", 2014, 4608300.63 ], [ "Czech Republic", 2011, 112344 ], [ "Czech Republic", 2012, 90136 ], [ "Czech Republic", 2013, 209661 ], [ "Czech Republic", 2014, 145008 ], [ "Denmark", 2011, 781 ], [ "Denmark", 2012, 2868 ], [ "Denmark", 2013, 303713.12 ], [ "Denmark", 2014, 163731.92 ], [ "Denmark", 2015, 45979.44 ], [ "Djibouti", 2009, 6742487.67 ], [ "Djibouti", 2010, 4060859.45 ], [ "Djibouti", 2011, 6835057.9 ], [ "Djibouti", 2012, 6256820.602 ], [ "Djibouti", 2013, 3296805.152 ], [ "Djibouti", 2014, 6349300.02 ], [ "Djibouti", 2015, 718227.82 ], [ "Dominica", 2011, 19062.1 ], [ "Dominica", 2012, 6698 ], [ "Dominica", 2014, 30000 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2009, 28245653.12 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2010, 40909827.74 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2011, 45541558.71 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2012, 43813237.29 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2013, 29290315.53 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2014, 47053967.5 ], [ "Dominican Republic", 2015, 6801128.09 ], [ "Ecuador", 2009, 26081987.63 ], [ "Ecuador", 2010, 24524702.88 ], [ "Ecuador", 2011, 28841756.42 ], [ "Ecuador", 2012, 29518551.29 ], [ "Ecuador", 2013, 18341803.4 ], [ "Ecuador", 2014, 14814626.38 ], [ "Ecuador", 2015, 830066.84 ], [ "Egypt", 2009, 447632748 ], [ "Egypt", 2010, 203164919 ], [ "Egypt", 2011, 91525462.89 ], [ "Egypt", 2012, 122381950.7 ], [ "Egypt", 2013, 576893493.5 ], [ "Egypt", 2014, 123278305 ], [ "Egypt", 2015, 15062810.16 ], [ "El Salvador", 2006, 3877533.99 ], [ "El Salvador", 2007, 13220250.38 ], [ "El Salvador", 2008, 39720325.3 ], [ "El Salvador", 2009, 176705629.4 ], [ "El Salvador", 2010, 403269035.9 ], [ "El Salvador", 2011, 468297505.6 ], [ "El Salvador", 2012, 480302377.5 ], [ "El Salvador", 2013, 68809023.45 ], [ "El Salvador", 2014, 94988166.37 ], [ "El Salvador", 2015, 14890911.06 ], [ "Equatorial Guinea", 2009, 28995.34 ], [ "Equatorial Guinea", 2010, 26536.9 ], [ "Equatorial Guinea", 2011, 63873.71 ], [ "Equatorial Guinea", 2012, 59852.49 ], [ "Equatorial Guinea", 2013, 57909.79 ], [ "Equatorial Guinea", 2014, 16178.8 ], [ "Eritrea", 2009, 2783292.91 ], [ "Eritrea", 2010, 751624.81 ], [ "Eritrea", 2011, 60898.34 ], [ "Eritrea", 2012, 65561.92 ], [ "Eritrea", 2013, 6708.57 ], [ "Eritrea", 2014, -1125540.78 ], [ "Estonia", 2011, 195629 ], [ "Estonia", 2012, 148077 ], [ "Estonia", 2013, 235261 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2009, 232900621.2 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2010, 272812821 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2011, 435315370.4 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2012, 515065750.1 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2013, 417714475 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2014, 677570949.2 ], [ "Ethiopia", 2015, 75082708.55 ], [ "Fiji", 2009, 186782.25 ], [ "Fiji", 2010, 1754232.28 ], [ "Fiji", 2011, 1537266.52 ], [ "Fiji", 2012, 1522822.2 ], [ "Fiji", 2013, 1747770.01 ], [ "Fiji", 2014, 1739055.19 ], [ "Fiji", 2015, 463345.49 ], [ "Finland", 2011, 15943 ], [ "Finland", 2012, 17551 ], [ "Finland", 2013, 14498 ], [ "France", 2011, 10687 ], [ "France", 2012, 2868 ], [ "France", 2013, 50285.28 ], [ "Gabon", 2009, 75021.83 ], [ "Gabon", 2010, 77242.69 ], [ "Gabon", 2011, 73524.36 ], [ "Gabon", 2012, 59964.23 ], [ "Gabon", 2013, 281059.88 ], [ "Gabon", 2014, 186742.16 ], [ "Gabon", 2015, 44287.34 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2006, 129889934.3 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2007, 171725853 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2008, 185054184.6 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2009, 192985449 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2010, 197809683.2 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2011, 200859813.8 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2012, 203384691.2 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2013, 2771001.55 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2014, 1703089.77 ], [ "Gambia, The", 2015, 365115.0799 ], [ "Georgia", 2005, 220217.58 ], [ "Georgia", 2006, 65470516.51 ], [ "Georgia", 2007, 66116408.99 ], [ "Georgia", 2008, 134629284.5 ], [ "Georgia", 2009, 625986456.2 ], [ "Georgia", 2010, 440120920.1 ], [ "Georgia", 2011, 325550727.6 ], [ "Georgia", 2012, 107258145.5 ], [ "Georgia", 2013, 132171247.6 ], [ "Georgia", 2014, 168822615.6 ], [ "Georgia", 2015, 25230535.88 ], [ "Germany", 2011, 78210 ], [ "Germany", 2012, 76410 ], [ "Germany", 2013, 20169 ], [ "Ghana", 2005, 108103.25 ], [ "Ghana", 2006, 11888536.13 ], [ "Ghana", 2007, 44792304.25 ], [ "Ghana", 2008, 66292589.32 ], [ "Ghana", 2009, 280985675.9 ], [ "Ghana", 2010, 453281692.4 ], [ "Ghana", 2011, 698538246.3 ], [ "Ghana", 2012, 417938020.5 ], [ "Ghana", 2013, 96479733.73 ], [ "Ghana", 2014, 199595265.9 ], [ "Ghana", 2015, 40077040.46 ], [ "Greece", 2009, 720468 ], [ "Greece", 2010, 1511.36 ], [ "Greece", 2011, 238116 ], [ "Greece", 2012, 278600 ], [ "Greece", 2013, 675667.5 ], [ "Greece", 2014, 316193.5 ], [ "Grenada", 2010, 14775.7 ], [ "Grenada", 2012, 6698 ], [ "Guatemala", 2009, 36657960.73 ], [ "Guatemala", 2010, 54681214.74 ], [ "Guatemala", 2011, 85758393.52 ], [ "Guatemala", 2012, 81398246.34 ], [ "Guatemala", 2013, 108880830.6 ], [ "Guatemala", 2014, 140642928 ], [ "Guatemala", 2015, 18937604.24 ], [ "Guinea", 2009, 14888338.7 ], [ "Guinea", 2010, 17215212.9 ], [ "Guinea", 2011, 17790819.21 ], [ "Guinea", 2012, 16447424.01 ], [ "Guinea", 2013, 17927114.59 ], [ "Guinea", 2014, 41634718.4 ], [ "Guinea", 2015, 3200543.1 ], [ "Guinea-Bissau", 2009, 41812.92 ], [ "Guinea-Bissau", 2010, 347515.66 ], [ "Guinea-Bissau", 2012, 5409.81 ], [ "Guinea-Bissau", 2013, 8063390.67 ], [ "Guinea-Bissau", 2014, 3117403.42 ], [ "Guinea-Bissau", 2015, 4485 ], [ "Guyana", 2009, 15931310.42 ], [ "Guyana", 2010, 13960881.89 ], [ "Guyana", 2011, 11560177.75 ], [ "Guyana", 2012, 12618965.16 ], [ "Guyana", 2013, 8775399.47 ], [ "Guyana", 2014, 9711501.95 ], [ "Guyana", 2015, 1098612.7 ], [ "Haiti", 2009, 174670660.6 ], [ "Haiti", 2010, 407882893 ], [ "Haiti", 2011, 525721234.3 ], [ "Haiti", 2012, 294154091.1 ], [ "Haiti", 2013, 370501042.7 ], [ "Haiti", 2014, 387849141 ], [ "Haiti", 2015, 47163899.43 ], [ "Honduras", 2005, 270185.34 ], [ "Honduras", 2006, 12077794.04 ], [ "Honduras", 2007, 31788972.88 ], [ "Honduras", 2008, 96015847.38 ], [ "Honduras", 2009, 270505567.5 ], [ "Honduras", 2010, 257122140.2 ], [ "Honduras", 2011, 58123977.26 ], [ "Honduras", 2012, 42734660.76 ], [ "Honduras", 2013, 70374022.28 ], [ "Honduras", 2014, 125719980.4 ], [ "Honduras", 2015, 12905219.92 ], [ "Hungary", 2009, 3176.04 ], [ "Hungary", 2010, 9036.33 ], [ "Hungary", 2011, 291910.52 ], [ "Hungary", 2012, 105277.12 ], [ "Hungary", 2013, 848672.11 ], [ "Hungary", 2014, 44578.64 ], [ "Iceland", 2011, 4899 ], [ "Iceland", 2013, 3021 ], [ "India", 2009, 61578727.13 ], [ "India", 2010, 78008155.92 ], [ "India", 2011, 74966707.2 ], [ "India", 2012, 39794555.02 ], [ "India", 2013, 67345575.56 ], [ "India", 2014, 116366643.3 ], [ "India", 2015, 13636764.56 ], [ "Indonesia", 2009, 147230131.8 ], [ "Indonesia", 2010, 135822199.4 ], [ "Indonesia", 2011, 198238275 ], [ "Indonesia", 2012, 193076641.6 ], [ "Indonesia", 2013, 207268172 ], [ "Indonesia", 2014, 256491222.9 ], [ "Indonesia", 2015, 53946901.99 ], [ "Iran", 2009, -6182.6 ], [ "Iraq", 2009, 795417419.8 ], [ "Iraq", 2010, 535563327.9 ], [ "Iraq", 2011, 1238209322 ], [ "Iraq", 2012, 279466517.4 ], [ "Iraq", 2013, -5258494.61 ], [ "Iraq", 2014, 155429186.8 ], [ "Iraq", 2015, -4154023.22 ], [ "Ireland", 2010, 8768357 ], [ "Ireland", 2011, 21110143 ], [ "Ireland", 2012, 9225000 ], [ "Ireland", 2013, 2043 ], [ "Ireland", 2014, 2900000 ], [ "Israel", 2009, 2975026.13 ], [ "Israel", 2010, 3940727.17 ], [ "Israel", 2011, 4865910.67 ], [ "Israel", 2012, 3999140.49 ], [ "Israel", 2013, 1886701.55 ], [ "Israel", 2014, 2729801.13 ], [ "Italy", 2011, 39126 ], [ "Italy", 2012, 5736 ], [ "Italy", 2013, 159065.9 ], [ "Italy", 2014, 78622.15 ], [ "Italy", 2015, 2317.36 ], [ "Jamaica", 2009, 11462353.56 ], [ "Jamaica", 2010, 14436461.92 ], [ "Jamaica", 2011, 16327804.23 ], [ "Jamaica", 2012, 21270740.45 ], [ "Jamaica", 2013, 18359979.32 ], [ "Jamaica", 2014, 32594549.52 ], [ "Jamaica", 2015, 4032413.7 ], [ "Japan", 2011, 59322663.92 ], [ "Japan", 2012, 803005.44 ], [ "Japan", 2013, 184449.1 ], [ "Japan", 2014, 801902.9 ], [ "Jordan", 2009, 415203737.4 ], [ "Jordan", 2010, 313637854.7 ], [ "Jordan", 2011, 376753038.9 ], [ "Jordan", 2012, 560036226.5 ], [ "Jordan", 2013, 585465522.2 ], [ "Jordan", 2014, 1031242078 ], [ "Jordan", 2015, 437696409.9 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2009, 21175794.54 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2010, 18687696.37 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2011, 18633378.77 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2012, 15368256.19 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2013, 16605811.32 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2014, 12662716.72 ], [ "Kazakhstan", 2015, 392714.34 ], [ "Kenya", 2007, 225000 ], [ "Kenya", 2008, 50000 ], [ "Kenya", 2009, 241667682 ], [ "Kenya", 2010, 251153000.4 ], [ "Kenya", 2011, 419315518.7 ], [ "Kenya", 2012, 516753464.1 ], [ "Kenya", 2013, 645343777.1 ], [ "Kenya", 2014, 736416792.1 ], [ "Kenya", 2015, 62764627.75 ], [ "Kiribati", 2010, 1524.85 ], [ "Kiribati", 2013, 11960 ], [ "Korea, North", 2009, 7371510.68 ], [ "Korea, North", 2010, 1628915.99 ], [ "Korea, North", 2011, 729756.26 ], [ "Korea, North", 2012, 809057.22 ], [ "Korea, North", 2013, 73393.56 ], [ "Korea, North", 2014, 561.88 ], [ "Korea, South", 2011, 198352 ], [ "Korea, South", 2012, 451332 ], [ "Korea, South", 2013, 37328.31 ], [ "Korea, South", 2014, 119394 ], [ "Kosovo", 2009, 200657842.5 ], [ "Kosovo", 2010, 121538070.2 ], [ "Kosovo", 2011, 134136981.7 ], [ "Kosovo", 2012, 116086051.4 ], [ "Kosovo", 2013, 36277237.01 ], [ "Kosovo", 2014, 64229320.75 ], [ "Kosovo", 2015, 7403677.33 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 2010, 1751246.68 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 2011, 1563963.64 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 2012, 1496904.67 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 2013, 5094257.12 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 2014, 6744437.58 ], [ "Kyrgyzstan", 2015, 998180.1199 ], [ "Laos", 2009, 1357345.8 ], [ "Laos", 2010, 2510455.77 ], [ "Laos", 2011, 3592934.39 ], [ "Laos", 2012, 3360330.14 ], [ "Laos", 2013, 10572425.49 ], [ "Laos", 2014, 4476555.276 ], [ "Laos", 2015, 2536851.58 ], [ "Latvia", 2011, 209619.83 ], [ "Latvia", 2012, 65035 ], [ "Latvia", 2013, 216918 ], [ "Latvia", 2014, 252896 ], [ "Lebanon", 2009, 109535159.3 ], [ "Lebanon", 2010, 53634200.62 ], [ "Lebanon", 2011, 59025784.01 ], [ "Lebanon", 2012, 60194742.14 ], [ "Lebanon", 2013, 28118117.65 ], [ "Lebanon", 2014, 65069641.06 ], [ "Lebanon", 2015, 15000 ], [ "Lesotho", 2006, 1519680.82 ], [ "Lesotho", 2007, 9966029.94 ], [ "Lesotho", 2008, 18657444.53 ], [ "Lesotho", 2009, 53855052.66 ], [ "Lesotho", 2010, 96075803.95 ], [ "Lesotho", 2011, 235455818.7 ], [ "Lesotho", 2012, 290382802.8 ], [ "Lesotho", 2013, 155383092 ], [ "Lesotho", 2014, 78852379.53 ], [ "Lesotho", 2015, 5831669.59 ], [ "Liberia", 2009, 87746338.49 ], [ "Liberia", 2010, 99422913.85 ], [ "Liberia", 2011, 123810310.3 ], [ "Liberia", 2012, 139012140.6 ], [ "Liberia", 2013, 141849500.4 ], [ "Liberia", 2014, 284656196.4 ], [ "Liberia", 2015, 21746929.66 ], [ "Libya", 2011, 9960319.84 ], [ "Libya", 2012, 14934227.56 ], [ "Libya", 2013, 2239788.262 ], [ "Libya", 2014, 11486677.77 ], [ "Lithuania", 2011, 323819 ], [ "Lithuania", 2012, 59967 ], [ "Lithuania", 2013, 77888 ], [ "Macedonia", 2009, 22845575.65 ], [ "Macedonia", 2010, 20956326.77 ], [ "Macedonia", 2011, 19088281.03 ], [ "Macedonia", 2012, 13010155.46 ], [ "Macedonia", 2013, 15696393.33 ], [ "Macedonia", 2014, 23151822.28 ], [ "Macedonia", 2015, 2181727.33 ], [ "Madagascar", 2005, 3835090.03 ], [ "Madagascar", 2006, 28557886.58 ], [ "Madagascar", 2007, 32612785.56 ], [ "Madagascar", 2008, 93013868.81 ], [ "Madagascar", 2009, 125724152.2 ], [ "Madagascar", 2010, 43800459.12 ], [ "Madagascar", 2011, 83990842.67 ], [ "Madagascar", 2012, 48215559.68 ], [ "Madagascar", 2013, 39443692.07 ], [ "Madagascar", 2014, 44780369.12 ], [ "Madagascar", 2015, 352406.47 ], [ "Malawi", 2009, 54926866.19 ], [ "Malawi", 2010, 96025516.36 ], [ "Malawi", 2011, 119852442.5 ], [ "Malawi", 2012, 125188243.8 ], [ "Malawi", 2013, 169390626.6 ], [ "Malawi", 2014, 248203924 ], [ "Malawi", 2015, 33033512.97 ], [ "Malaysia", 2011, 590767 ], [ "Malaysia", 2012, 587767 ], [ "Malaysia", 2013, 489274 ], [ "Malaysia", 2014, 164014.6348 ], [ "Maldives", 2011, 493013.11 ], [ "Maldives", 2012, 473164 ], [ "Maldives", 2013, 448404.1 ], [ "Mali", 2005, 8863.58 ], [ "Mali", 2006, 10695601.47 ], [ "Mali", 2007, 26678175.01 ], [ "Mali", 2008, 20225513.51 ], [ "Mali", 2009, 164036425.4 ], [ "Mali", 2010, 362685144.1 ], [ "Mali", 2011, 590909120.9 ], [ "Mali", 2012, 453164926.8 ], [ "Mali", 2013, 102363678 ], [ "Mali", 2014, 176574103.5 ], [ "Mali", 2015, 8605343.59 ], [ "Marshall Islands", 2009, 43514.13 ], [ "Marshall Islands", 2010, 127508.72 ], [ "Marshall Islands", 2011, 362474.58 ], [ "Marshall Islands", 2012, 443667.61 ], [ "Marshall Islands", 2013, 587743.37 ], [ "Marshall Islands", 2014, 1964839.68 ], [ "Mauritania", 2009, 1612212.59 ], [ "Mauritania", 2010, 3419840.45 ], [ "Mauritania", 2011, 7473152.927 ], [ "Mauritania", 2012, 12178282.86 ], [ "Mauritania", 2013, 4478140.746 ], [ "Mauritania", 2014, 7873407.249 ], [ "Mauritania", 2015, 2503816.41 ], [ "Mauritius", 2009, 14585.94 ], [ "Mauritius", 2010, 29938.9 ], [ "Mauritius", 2011, 366215.2 ], [ "Mauritius", 2012, 301374.23 ], [ "Mauritius", 2013, 246380.95 ], [ "Mauritius", 2014, 52960.22 ], [ "Mexico", 2009, 23482755.41 ], [ "Mexico", 2010, 41930510.15 ], [ "Mexico", 2011, 64136180.27 ], [ "Mexico", 2012, 47096638.7 ], [ "Mexico", 2013, 53542447.94 ], [ "Mexico", 2014, 51850521.17 ], [ "Mexico", 2015, 2177489.86 ], [ "Moldova", 2008, 152581.88 ], [ "Moldova", 2009, 37889096.55 ], [ "Moldova", 2010, 27087981.07 ], [ "Moldova", 2011, 57813072.49 ], [ "Moldova", 2012, 85819153.56 ], [ "Moldova", 2013, 47616694.14 ], [ "Moldova", 2014, 128311708.1 ], [ "Moldova", 2015, 39824283.63 ], [ "Mongolia", 2006, 1070301.64 ], [ "Mongolia", 2007, 5860474.48 ], [ "Mongolia", 2008, 9337285.39 ], [ "Mongolia", 2009, 29536435.68 ], [ "Mongolia", 2010, 97612413.65 ], [ "Mongolia", 2011, 155032646.4 ], [ "Mongolia", 2012, 305735392.8 ], [ "Mongolia", 2013, 104643743.1 ], [ "Mongolia", 2014, 26384598.86 ], [ "Mongolia", 2015, 2978837.54 ], [ "Montenegro", 2009, 4779208.79 ], [ "Montenegro", 2010, 5729813.35 ], [ "Montenegro", 2011, 3787186.12 ], [ "Montenegro", 2012, 5957391 ], [ "Montenegro", 2013, 1213229.13 ], [ "Montenegro", 2014, 334086.85 ], [ "Morocco", 2006, 340631.87 ], [ "Morocco", 2007, 10338671.7 ], [ "Morocco", 2008, 7372236.34 ], [ "Morocco", 2009, 107991388.2 ], [ "Morocco", 2010, 94290513.25 ], [ "Morocco", 2011, 434132490.8 ], [ "Morocco", 2012, 512885671.1 ], [ "Morocco", 2013, 236608569.4 ], [ "Morocco", 2014, 98039733.91 ], [ "Morocco", 2015, 3780608.72 ], [ "Mozambique", 2006, 12463451.73 ], [ "Mozambique", 2007, 16499173.61 ], [ "Mozambique", 2008, 18526552.6 ], [ "Mozambique", 2009, 147201701.6 ], [ "Mozambique", 2010, 206609017.4 ], [ "Mozambique", 2011, 390276620.2 ], [ "Mozambique", 2012, 532644031.5 ], [ "Mozambique", 2013, 513959845.1 ], [ "Mozambique", 2014, 479334455.2 ], [ "Mozambique", 2015, 49133710.61 ], [ "Namibia", 2006, 4258.66 ], [ "Namibia", 2007, 3395207.79 ], [ "Namibia", 2008, 9760660.11 ], [ "Namibia", 2009, 51142750.56 ], [ "Namibia", 2010, 115022154.8 ], [ "Namibia", 2011, 150304846.7 ], [ "Namibia", 2012, 207710804 ], [ "Namibia", 2013, 138136553.8 ], [ "Namibia", 2014, 162484995.2 ], [ "Namibia", 2015, 27949971.26 ], [ "Nepal", 2009, 46733024.91 ], [ "Nepal", 2010, 42192254.26 ], [ "Nepal", 2011, 52264971.92 ], [ "Nepal", 2012, 53475739.93 ], [ "Nepal", 2013, 54072827.94 ], [ "Nepal", 2014, 124174720.8 ], [ "Nepal", 2015, 15449058.42 ], [ "Netherlands", 2011, 20188 ], [ "Netherlands", 2012, 5736 ], [ "Netherlands", 2013, 4531 ], [ "New Zealand", 2011, 1050108.76 ], [ "New Zealand", 2012, 73181.72 ], [ "New Zealand", 2013, 11106 ], [ "New Zealand", 2014, 7154 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2005, 156303.44 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2006, 13803291.82 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2007, 27399212.05 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2008, 85264233.33 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2009, 149617447.6 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2010, 94368713.71 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2011, 57769926.72 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2012, 37378152.87 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2013, 34850618.61 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2014, 27110868.16 ], [ "Nicaragua", 2015, 2008077.14 ], [ "Niger", 2008, 257982.63 ], [ "Niger", 2009, 13867375.74 ], [ "Niger", 2010, 16312126.6 ], [ "Niger", 2011, 73305983.74 ], [ "Niger", 2012, 60074250.13 ], [ "Niger", 2013, 32778956.06 ], [ "Niger", 2014, 46561100.64 ], [ "Niger", 2015, 186778.87 ], [ "Nigeria", 2009, 200916331.6 ], [ "Nigeria", 2010, 214528857.1 ], [ "Nigeria", 2011, 247595645.4 ], [ "Nigeria", 2012, 229535949.6 ], [ "Nigeria", 2013, 466698526.8 ], [ "Nigeria", 2014, 617377184.2 ], [ "Nigeria", 2015, 58619927.8 ], [ "Norway", 2012, 18596 ], [ "Norway", 2013, 9595 ], [ "Oman", 2011, 161574 ], [ "Oman", 2012, 158574 ], [ "Oman", 2013, 122490 ], [ "Oman", 2014, 97887.91 ], [ "Oman", 2015, 19127.21 ], [ "Pakistan", 2009, 268723108.6 ], [ "Pakistan", 2010, 810157600.4 ], [ "Pakistan", 2011, 1172189735 ], [ "Pakistan", 2012, 514208403.7 ], [ "Pakistan", 2013, 553711076 ], [ "Pakistan", 2014, 921611570.6 ], [ "Pakistan", 2015, 143787074.9 ], [ "Palau", 2013, 1e+05 ], [ "Panama", 2009, 3100711.44 ], [ "Panama", 2010, 7244324.16 ], [ "Panama", 2011, 12116560.62 ], [ "Panama", 2012, 15976936.7 ], [ "Panama", 2013, 7968611.68 ], [ "Panama", 2014, 4842752.08 ], [ "Panama", 2015, 1066011.59 ], [ "Papua New Guinea", 2009, 298235 ], [ "Papua New Guinea", 2011, 852138.81 ], [ "Papua New Guinea", 2012, 3219146.5 ], [ "Papua New Guinea", 2013, 2108971.72 ], [ "Papua New Guinea", 2014, 4388827.21 ], [ "Papua New Guinea", 2015, 100157.93 ], [ "Paraguay", 2009, 6734223.37 ], [ "Paraguay", 2010, 22772676.38 ], [ "Paraguay", 2011, 28835354.23 ], [ "Paraguay", 2012, 27924239.62 ], [ "Paraguay", 2013, 12672315.2 ], [ "Paraguay", 2014, 10742256.27 ], [ "Paraguay", 2015, 1420146.55 ], [ "Peru", 2009, 57124764.54 ], [ "Peru", 2010, 81592867.84 ], [ "Peru", 2011, 94160750.54 ], [ "Peru", 2012, 83351347.2 ], [ "Peru", 2013, 45839296.92 ], [ "Peru", 2014, 136472972.2 ], [ "Peru", 2015, 16391026.1 ], [ "Philippines", 2006, 2136 ], [ "Philippines", 2007, 1068 ], [ "Philippines", 2009, 75537361.39 ], [ "Philippines", 2010, 106528704 ], [ "Philippines", 2011, 160173695.4 ], [ "Philippines", 2012, 228979598.2 ], [ "Philippines", 2013, 161492413.1 ], [ "Philippines", 2014, 321222786 ], [ "Philippines", 2015, 51199405.84 ], [ "Poland", 2010, 50000 ], [ "Poland", 2011, 527705 ], [ "Poland", 2012, 464399 ], [ "Poland", 2013, 95553 ], [ "Portugal", 2010, 50000 ], [ "Portugal", 2011, 34595 ], [ "Portugal", 2012, 15450 ], [ "Portugal", 2013, 20641 ], [ "Romania", 2009, 271762.02 ], [ "Romania", 2010, 2341063.23 ], [ "Romania", 2011, 2567461.14 ], [ "Romania", 2012, 2373367.79 ], [ "Romania", 2013, 1932931.87 ], [ "Romania", 2014, 87816.52 ], [ "Russia", 2009, 44263220.99 ], [ "Russia", 2010, 53559906.48 ], [ "Russia", 2011, 54917272.49 ], [ "Russia", 2012, 52568902.05 ], [ "Russia", 2013, 32080773.25 ], [ "Russia", 2014, 4404476.796 ], [ "Rwanda", 2009, 91904569.49 ], [ "Rwanda", 2010, 92384146.63 ], [ "Rwanda", 2011, 117542096.4 ], [ "Rwanda", 2012, 124971900.5 ], [ "Rwanda", 2013, 131854604.9 ], [ "Rwanda", 2014, 197866806.8 ], [ "Rwanda", 2015, 19986903.66 ], [ "Saint Kitts and Nevis", 2012, 6298 ], [ "Saint Lucia", 2012, 6298 ], [ "Saint Lucia", 2014, 30000 ], [ "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 2011, 97435.1 ], [ "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 2012, 46598 ], [ "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 2014, 30000 ], [ "Samoa", 2010, 2007471.61 ], [ "Samoa", 2011, 1103048.14 ], [ "Samoa", 2012, 680104.85 ], [ "Samoa", 2013, 1083549.76 ], [ "Samoa", 2014, 773159.93 ], [ "Samoa", 2015, 262886.55 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2007, 17323788 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2008, 8661894 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2009, 44696.47 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2010, 32618.9 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2011, 516923.53 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2012, 33698.61 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2013, -547311.6 ], [ "Sao Tome and Principe", 2014, 6350.52 ], [ "Senegal", 2005, 35710.04 ], [ "Senegal", 2006, 8505787.27 ], [ "Senegal", 2007, 6077466.88 ], [ "Senegal", 2008, 184705.7 ], [ "Senegal", 2009, 48149460.08 ], [ "Senegal", 2010, 91995351.74 ], [ "Senegal", 2011, 135976254.8 ], [ "Senegal", 2012, 155840958.5 ], [ "Senegal", 2013, 177703568.4 ], [ "Senegal", 2014, 293168350.8 ], [ "Senegal", 2015, 67050426.87 ], [ "Serbia", 2009, 26885254.29 ], [ "Serbia", 2010, 46728967.92 ], [ "Serbia", 2011, 36914633.38 ], [ "Serbia", 2012, 35152524.72 ], [ "Serbia", 2013, 19579891.79 ], [ "Serbia", 2014, 29849083.96 ], [ "Serbia", 2015, 3773589.9 ], [ "Seychelles", 2009, 3295.58 ], [ "Seychelles", 2010, 4199.01 ], [ "Seychelles", 2011, 206989.97 ], [ "Seychelles", 2012, 113147 ], [ "Seychelles", 2013, 79943.93 ], [ "Seychelles", 2014, 22628.64 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2009, 4754585.26 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2010, 9021937.52 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2011, 19099115.36 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2012, 16439532.41 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2013, 9420645.58 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2014, 14081656.14 ], [ "Sierra Leone", 2015, 1614641.68 ], [ "Singapore", 2012, 80541.64 ], [ "Singapore", 2013, 2748 ], [ "Slovakia", 2011, 415802 ], [ "Slovakia", 2012, 52651 ], [ "Slovakia", 2013, 20491 ], [ "Slovakia", 2014, 139728.76 ], [ "Slovenia", 2011, 128551 ], [ "Slovenia", 2012, 165612 ], [ "Slovenia", 2013, 137697 ], [ "Solomon Islands", 2009, 50000 ], [ "Solomon Islands", 2010, 75000 ], [ "Solomon Islands", 2011, 10000 ], [ "Solomon Islands", 2012, 40140 ], [ "Solomon Islands", 2013, 427255 ], [ "Solomon Islands", 2014, 886419.8 ], [ "Somalia", 2009, 75194087.91 ], [ "Somalia", 2010, 37147024.68 ], [ "Somalia", 2011, 83172194.39 ], [ "Somalia", 2012, 170661017.6 ], [ "Somalia", 2013, 148518930.4 ], [ "Somalia", 2014, 130071735 ], [ "Somalia", 2015, 395998.87 ], [ "South Africa", 2009, 274090863.6 ], [ "South Africa", 2010, 331312050.8 ], [ "South Africa", 2011, 333496951.4 ], [ "South Africa", 2012, 327377265.6 ], [ "South Africa", 2013, 416254124.1 ], [ "South Africa", 2014, 556345502.9 ], [ "South Africa", 2015, 65801984.6 ], [ "South Sudan", 2011, 13989084.72 ], [ "South Sudan", 2012, 181284595.5 ], [ "South Sudan", 2013, 237222080.5 ], [ "South Sudan", 2014, 311063041.4 ], [ "South Sudan", 2015, 22045488.71 ], [ "Spain", 2011, 45424 ], [ "Spain", 2012, 59983 ], [ "Spain", 2013, 29499 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2005, 77293.93 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2006, 5031179.95 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2007, 4448996.76 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2008, 1017275.19 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2009, 13456586.26 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2010, 21640831.86 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2011, 43558808.52 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2012, 30951185.58 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2013, 20309549.91 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2014, 34972217.49 ], [ "Sri Lanka", 2015, 4798559.58 ], [ "Sudan", 2011, 3514008.53 ], [ "Sudan", 2012, 47368075.62 ], [ "Sudan", 2013, 109937057 ], [ "Sudan", 2014, 93351643.29 ], [ "Sudan", 2015, 4410563.83 ], [ "Suriname", 2010, 1505494.57 ], [ "Suriname", 2011, 2788609.44 ], [ "Suriname", 2012, 1280818.39 ], [ "Suriname", 2013, 709436.95 ], [ "Suriname", 2014, 4295.98 ], [ "Swaziland", 2009, 9836082.08 ], [ "Swaziland", 2010, 14152263.65 ], [ "Swaziland", 2011, 20567923.54 ], [ "Swaziland", 2012, 10579598.1 ], [ "Swaziland", 2013, 26683883.48 ], [ "Swaziland", 2014, 40756264.31 ], [ "Swaziland", 2015, 4636873.38 ], [ "Sweden", 2011, 12000 ], [ "Sweden", 2012, 5736 ], [ "Sweden", 2013, 20724 ], [ "Switzerland", 2011, 15000 ], [ "Switzerland", 2012, 5736 ], [ "Switzerland", 2013, 2449976.6 ], [ "Switzerland", 2014, 1006364.47 ], [ "Switzerland", 2015, 227381.63 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2009, 23903121.08 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2010, 20633813.1 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2011, 27063986.52 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2012, 28751214.63 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2013, 17547736.01 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2014, 27812609.94 ], [ "Tajikistan", 2015, 570808.95 ], [ "Tanzania", 2006, 162841.56 ], [ "Tanzania", 2007, 11476222.45 ], [ "Tanzania", 2008, 12362399.82 ], [ "Tanzania", 2009, 158265588.2 ], [ "Tanzania", 2010, 493157019.3 ], [ "Tanzania", 2011, 665576255.6 ], [ "Tanzania", 2012, 682791551.3 ], [ "Tanzania", 2013, 559603815.8 ], [ "Tanzania", 2014, 713732874.2 ], [ "Tanzania", 2015, 62435652.25 ], [ "Thailand", 2009, 2269572.2 ], [ "Thailand", 2010, 5303306.02 ], [ "Thailand", 2011, 11020396.9 ], [ "Thailand", 2012, 19585148.3 ], [ "Thailand", 2013, 29590305.03 ], [ "Thailand", 2014, 20071032.04 ], [ "Thailand", 2015, 2839465.44 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2006, 1210.68 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2007, 2133.96 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2009, 22795084.99 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2010, 27075525.98 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2011, 25351822.3 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2012, 23912184.83 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2013, 14225303.96 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2014, 43435213.14 ], [ "Timor-Leste", 2015, 2964353.73 ], [ "Togo", 2009, 302690.75 ], [ "Togo", 2010, 2885625.58 ], [ "Togo", 2011, 2801465.92 ], [ "Togo", 2012, 2967346.59 ], [ "Togo", 2013, 2584226.18 ], [ "Togo", 2014, 2698778.32 ], [ "Togo", 2015, 627669.3799 ], [ "Tonga", 2010, 1143082.88 ], [ "Tonga", 2011, 1238995.74 ], [ "Tonga", 2012, 906043.09 ], [ "Tonga", 2013, 887758.78 ], [ "Tonga", 2014, 1334477.39 ], [ "Tonga", 2015, 195940.45 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 2011, 269355.58 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 2012, 131550 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 2013, 60211 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 2014, 96505.41 ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", 2015, 29974.4 ], [ "Tunisia", 2011, 2628474.05 ], [ "Tunisia", 2012, 136956306.7 ], [ "Tunisia", 2013, 2782850.822 ], [ "Tunisia", 2014, 10589840.27 ], [ "Tunisia", 2015, 360918.19 ], [ "Turkey", 2009, 298041 ], [ "Turkey", 2010, 103000 ], [ "Turkey", 2011, 1058619 ], [ "Turkey", 2012, 4127112.94 ], [ "Turkey", 2013, 977232.73 ], [ "Turkey", 2014, 49343.815 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2009, 7381027.79 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2010, 4438551.62 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2011, 8013588.87 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2012, 8181616.52 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2013, 6965403.85 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2014, 4740095.9 ], [ "Turkmenistan", 2015, 6452 ], [ "Tuvalu", 2011, 10000 ], [ "Tuvalu", 2012, 60000 ], [ "Uganda", 2009, 168225484 ], [ "Uganda", 2010, 195847775.4 ], [ "Uganda", 2011, 243584956.5 ], [ "Uganda", 2012, 225511462.6 ], [ "Uganda", 2013, 417231980.3 ], [ "Uganda", 2014, 529906850.4 ], [ "Uganda", 2015, 60415656.23 ], [ "Ukraine", 2009, 61819915.26 ], [ "Ukraine", 2010, 115129224.4 ], [ "Ukraine", 2011, 84246901.97 ], [ "Ukraine", 2012, 75801808.52 ], [ "Ukraine", 2013, 82074669.93 ], [ "Ukraine", 2014, 44882243.71 ], [ "Ukraine", 2015, 1553011.84 ], [ "United Arab Emirates", 2010, 6144.54 ], [ "United Arab Emirates", 2011, 30533 ], [ "United Arab Emirates", 2012, 44106.38 ], [ "United Arab Emirates", 2013, 21239.8 ], [ "United Kingdom", 2011, 6000 ], [ "United Kingdom", 2012, 2868 ], [ "United Kingdom", 2013, 57778 ], [ "United States", 2009, 11098574 ], [ "United States", 2010, 10541713 ], [ "United States", 2011, 8475582 ], [ "United States", 2012, 8900193 ], [ "United States", 2013, 8899000 ], [ "United States", 2014, 9295000 ], [ "Uruguay", 2009, 225884 ], [ "Uruguay", 2010, 825522.91 ], [ "Uruguay", 2011, 627431.62 ], [ "Uruguay", 2012, 541641.9444 ], [ "Uruguay", 2013, 451188.065 ], [ "Uruguay", 2014, 207333.34 ], [ "Uruguay", 2015, 2951.61 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2009, 10798415.38 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2010, 5960544.44 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2011, 6443775.26 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2012, 8771405.76 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2013, 7139149.86 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2014, 7607871.91 ], [ "Uzbekistan", 2015, 76484.54 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2006, 6649059.97 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2007, 3966029.63 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2008, 68048661.67 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2009, 55727838.23 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2010, 61068435.89 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2011, 11188299.96 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2012, 2465170.53 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2013, 2626236.89 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2014, 2732023.35 ], [ "Vanuatu", 2015, 474000.5799 ], [ "Venezuela", 2009, 11241582.55 ], [ "Venezuela", 2010, 6581081.61 ], [ "Venezuela", 2011, 5797575.94 ], [ "Venezuela", 2012, 6678286.77 ], [ "Venezuela", 2013, 3215783.93 ], [ "Venezuela", 2014, 2671468.4 ], [ "Venezuela", 2015, 1339.14 ], [ "Vietnam", 2009, 23136054.05 ], [ "Vietnam", 2010, 51935471.23 ], [ "Vietnam", 2011, 51301059.56 ], [ "Vietnam", 2012, 52415703.42 ], [ "Vietnam", 2013, 66836681.04 ], [ "Vietnam", 2014, 57572490.21 ], [ "Vietnam", 2015, 1256358.44 ], [ "Palestine", 2009, 522853862.6 ], [ "Palestine", 2010, 463200609.2 ], [ "Palestine", 2011, 537182004.6 ], [ "Palestine", 2012, 172512033.1 ], [ "Palestine", 2013, 536027585.3 ], [ "Palestine", 2014, 169341291.3 ], [ "Yemen", 2009, 13381035.89 ], [ "Yemen", 2010, 21978266.77 ], [ "Yemen", 2011, 61059208.78 ], [ "Yemen", 2012, 107424466.3 ], [ "Yemen", 2013, 93917398.9 ], [ "Yemen", 2014, 129067551.5 ], [ "Yemen", 2015, 8668106.25 ], [ "Zambia", 2009, 138194199.5 ], [ "Zambia", 2010, 129742914.1 ], [ "Zambia", 2011, 180904309.4 ], [ "Zambia", 2012, 214774812.2 ], [ "Zambia", 2013, 285500299.5 ], [ "Zambia", 2014, 414804245 ], [ "Zambia", 2015, 50471132.88 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2009, 76123966.55 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2010, 108345530.7 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2011, 149812664.4 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2012, 139131325.5 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2013, 143506155.4 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2014, 117206478.9 ], [ "Zimbabwe", 2015, 956696.59 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Country'); data.addColumn('number','year'); data.addColumn('number','Aid.Disbursement'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartMotionChartIDdf446b06400() { var data = gvisDataMotionChartIDdf446b06400(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 600; options["height"] = 500; options["state"] = '{"yZoomedDataMax":6601525216,"orderedByX":false,"xLambda":1,"yZoomedIn":false,"iconType":"BUBBLE","duration":{"timeUnit":"Y","multiplier":1},"xZoomedIn":false,"yZoomedDataMin":-5258494.61,"uniColorForNonSelected":false,"nonSelectedAlpha":0.4,"sizeOption":"2","yAxisOption":"2","yLambda":0,"dimensions":{"iconDimensions":["dim0"]},"xZoomedDataMin":-5258494.61,"xAxisOption":"2","time":"2011","xZoomedDataMax":6601525216,"orderedByY":false,"colorOption":"_UNIQUE_COLOR","showTrails":true,"iconKeySettings":[],"playDuration":15000};';
var chart = new google.visualization.MotionChart( document.getElementById('MotionChartIDdf446b06400') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "motionchart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartMotionChartIDdf446b06400); })(); function displayChartMotionChartIDdf446b06400() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Notice that the size of US aid has shrank significantly in the last couple of years (The best way to see this is by clicking on the bar icon located in the middle of the upper-right corner of the graph.). Notice also the volatility and magnitude of US aid to the following countries: Afghanistan, Benin, Jordan, Egypt, Gambia, Georgia, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Senegal, Tanzania, and Tunisia.
US Aid by Sector Over Time
// jsData function gvisDataMotionChartIDdf466756041 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Agriculture", 2006, 11093804.97 ], [ "Agriculture", 2007, 79566030.89 ], [ "Agriculture", 2008, 196637565.3 ], [ "Agriculture", 2009, 695847796.9 ], [ "Agriculture", 2010, 1088368540 ], [ "Agriculture", 2011, 1659465768 ], [ "Agriculture", 2012, 1179205067 ], [ "Agriculture", 2013, 899385847.8 ], [ "Agriculture", 2014, 1497016342 ], [ "Agriculture", 2015, 168347639.9 ], [ "Basic Education", 2008, 6920987.7 ], [ "Basic Education", 2009, 500563929.2 ], [ "Basic Education", 2010, 526386494.2 ], [ "Basic Education", 2011, 708438887.3 ], [ "Basic Education", 2012, 676420617.7 ], [ "Basic Education", 2013, 453647310 ], [ "Basic Education", 2014, 1248808997 ], [ "Basic Education", 2015, 181128528.9 ], [ "Civil Society", 2007, 84040.62 ], [ "Civil Society", 2008, 17542.23 ], [ "Civil Society", 2009, 250579873.9 ], [ "Civil Society", 2010, 292809385.1 ], [ "Civil Society", 2011, 312578105.5 ], [ "Civil Society", 2012, 295348243.3 ], [ "Civil Society", 2013, 206377450.7 ], [ "Civil Society", 2014, 182867409.8 ], [ "Civil Society", 2015, 21621324.3 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2006, 20249.88 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2007, 389525.75 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2008, 1254029.71 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2009, 40190691.27 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2010, 41075421.79 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2011, 73833487.52 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2012, 159886225.9 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2013, 130356414.6 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2014, 283513099.3 ], [ "Clean Productive Environment", 2015, 39492694.41 ], [ "Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)", 2010, 48918000 ], [ "Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)", 2011, 11800625.83 ], [ "Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)", 2012, 23674853.09 ], [ "Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)", 2013, 18518436.52 ], [ "Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)", 2014, 1831838.831 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2009, 268342750.7 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2010, 351007989.3 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2011, 520614375.1 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2012, 293717485.8 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2013, 254021297.2 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2014, 277377674.7 ], [ "Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation", 2015, 46478470.12 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2009, 378480965.8 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2010, 381303876.7 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2011, 249677227 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2012, 188685891.9 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2013, 72364544.22 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2014, 104329140.7 ], [ "Counter-Narcotics", 2015, 39462748.66 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2009, 13745176.44 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2010, 15299149.4 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2011, 50985550.73 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2012, 50681697.52 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2013, 54472111.94 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2014, 24102119.78 ], [ "Counter-Terrorism", 2015, 1517859.89 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2005, 2577707.91 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2006, 145381595.3 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2007, 263138926.8 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2008, 374017259 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2009, 475389452.2 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2010, 715869341.6 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2011, 851686779.6 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2012, 916332708 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2013, 653787986 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2014, 921813635.4 ], [ "Direct Administrative Costs", 2015, 62587480.27 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2009, 34294986.24 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2010, 73988757.63 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2011, 69125530.84 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2012, 66744523.76 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2013, 91113832.05 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2014, 173868330.2 ], [ "Disaster Readiness", 2015, 1243402.38 ], [ "Economic Development - General", 2010, 29085616.62 ], [ "Economic Development - General", 2011, 31310307.12 ], [ "Economic Development - General", 2012, 28418708.79 ], [ "Economic Development - General", 2013, 23359952.27 ], [ "Economic Development - General", 2014, 23954254.02 ], [ "Economic Development - General", 2015, 6041039.45 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2007, 834419 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2008, 2046180.11 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2009, 118858392.5 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2010, 117581184.9 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2011, 176125561.5 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2012, 154208285.6 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2013, 93636686.77 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2014, 70104603.32 ], [ "Economic Opportunity", 2015, 17347546.72 ], [ "Education and Social Services - General", 2010, 64525295.73 ], [ "Education and Social Services - General", 2011, 78123078.58 ], [ "Education and Social Services - General", 2012, 77531174.1 ], [ "Education and Social Services - General", 2013, 75862363.79 ], [ "Education and Social Services - General", 2014, 78517939.44 ], [ "Education and Social Services - General", 2015, 20116766.92 ], [ "Environment", 2011, 23490950 ], [ "Environment", 2012, 19785860 ], [ "Environment", 2013, 804549.94 ], [ "Environment", 2014, 472512651.1 ], [ "Environment", 2015, 31188.48 ], [ "Environment - General", 2010, 20244952.53 ], [ "Environment - General", 2011, 22712974.29 ], [ "Environment - General", 2012, 20880297.39 ], [ "Environment - General", 2013, 17993506.93 ], [ "Environment - General", 2014, 18379564.82 ], [ "Environment - General", 2015, 4490998.59 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2008, 297610.68 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2009, 269572609.7 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2010, 274718332.5 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2011, 299740832.1 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2012, 326996418.4 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2013, 369085394.3 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2014, 2593649416 ], [ "Family Planning and Reproductive Health", 2015, 163397862 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2006, 83334 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2007, 18456851 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2008, 62669110.2 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2009, 476453180.6 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2010, 213371243.9 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2011, 154875637.8 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2012, 113312395.1 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2013, 358678587.5 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2014, 44531367.69 ], [ "Financial Sector", 2015, 6905125.37 ], [ "Good Governance", 2009, 931149798.6 ], [ "Good Governance", 2010, 850545372.1 ], [ "Good Governance", 2011, 951818245.8 ], [ "Good Governance", 2012, 1408454625 ], [ "Good Governance", 2013, 455251699.6 ], [ "Good Governance", 2014, 534818434 ], [ "Good Governance", 2015, 64788540.59 ], [ "Health - General", 2009, 233539 ], [ "Health - General", 2010, 30813744.23 ], [ "Health - General", 2011, 33468094.51 ], [ "Health - General", 2012, 31141871.38 ], [ "Health - General", 2013, 103710247.7 ], [ "Health - General", 2014, 77273443.99 ], [ "Health - General", 2015, 24364837.53 ], [ "Higher Education", 2009, 74149658.73 ], [ "Higher Education", 2010, 157899029 ], [ "Higher Education", 2011, 83430954.05 ], [ "Higher Education", 2012, 105322610.3 ], [ "Higher Education", 2013, 81616743.1 ], [ "Higher Education", 2014, 79627298.62 ], [ "Higher Education", 2015, 15535695.61 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2009, 1462546758 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2010, 1491561687 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2011, 1672612167 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2012, 1776718842 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2013, 2738296986 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2014, 2046276628 ], [ "HIV/AIDS", 2015, 288605398.6 ], [ "Humanitarian Assistance - General", 2013, 7389375 ], [ "Humanitarian Assistance - General", 2014, 1199621 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2006, 44607961.67 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2007, 49845502.09 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2008, 289721965.7 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2009, 1357067684 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2010, 2090363948 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2011, 2510989220 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2012, 2054781139 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2013, 1180304678 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2014, 802374544.6 ], [ "Infrastructure", 2015, 195099084.2 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2005, 17498 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2006, 21139068.79 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2007, 8173297.83 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2008, 60109120.49 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2009, 856697771.3 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2010, 286960751 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2011, 297847145.7 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2012, 434969607.7 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2013, 638773098.6 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2014, 588937027 ], [ "Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth", 2015, 392329777.4 ], [ "Malaria", 2009, 233179355.2 ], [ "Malaria", 2010, 310119653.1 ], [ "Malaria", 2011, 385328846.5 ], [ "Malaria", 2012, 377821591.9 ], [ "Malaria", 2013, 377967660.5 ], [ "Malaria", 2014, 433263077.1 ], [ "Malaria", 2015, 50418847.98 ], [ "Manufacturing", 2012, 7713.52 ], [ "Manufacturing", 2013, 196705.42 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2009, 309822882.7 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2010, 397567552.9 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2011, 385272129.3 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2012, 425140697.8 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2013, 409117296.9 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2014, 333945041.2 ], [ "Maternal and Child Health", 2015, 55131703.5 ], [ "Migration Management", 2010, 21732859.87 ], [ "Migration Management", 2011, 2795383.98 ], [ "Migration Management", 2012, 1916127.27 ], [ "Migration Management", 2013, 904842.8 ], [ "Migration Management", 2014, 29137955.9 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2009, 40351997.39 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2010, 70881152.75 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2011, 91846717.3 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2012, 111772878 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2013, 116069359.8 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2014, 203931540 ], [ "Monitoring and Evaluation", 2015, 20312328.89 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2005, 2197427.38 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2006, 101313688 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2007, 140481254.8 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2008, -15515627.5 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2009, 59970136.94 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2010, 120357903.1 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2011, 168645662.9 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2012, 93213418.4 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2013, 36132223.81 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2014, 34438262.26 ], [ "Multi-sector - Unspecified", 2015, 11260485.19 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2007, 1600615.06 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2008, 6980907.49 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2009, 130000642.4 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2010, 156457616.8 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2011, 176320805.9 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2012, 193387074.8 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2013, 208458114.7 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2014, 515648811.2 ], [ "Natural Resources and Biodiversity", 2015, 20294991.94 ], [ "Nutrition", 2011, 15449157.66 ], [ "Nutrition", 2012, 36352753.61 ], [ "Nutrition", 2013, 217551857.4 ], [ "Nutrition", 2014, 109189062.2 ], [ "Nutrition", 2015, 12531041.32 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2008, 2015077.06 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2009, 36198081.89 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2010, 80242509.09 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2011, 192537197.7 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2012, 173311360.2 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2013, 95466223.87 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2014, 67108073.73 ], [ "Other Public Health Threats", 2015, 5655337.39 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2009, 25537077.12 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2010, 23468902.9 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2011, 11897216.82 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2012, 12731785.67 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2013, 28838735.88 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2014, 6318815.51 ], [ "Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET)", 2015, 1379563.62 ], [ "Policies, Regulations, and Systems", 2009, 9843974.07 ], [ "Policies, Regulations, and Systems", 2010, 8419626.49 ], [ "Policies, Regulations, and Systems", 2011, 23615068.87 ], [ "Policies, Regulations, and Systems", 2012, 12289949.99 ], [ "Policies, Regulations, and Systems", 2013, 867154.81 ], [ "Policies, Regulations, and Systems", 2014, 3085446.93 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2009, 223715322.2 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2010, 308221226.8 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2011, 284072906.6 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2012, 198875140.2 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2013, 144006297.7 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2014, 265076607.3 ], [ "Political Competition and Consensus-Building", 2015, 28107502.39 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2005, 18201.35 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2006, 7708454.12 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2007, 13040932.72 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2008, 7634886.14 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2009, 221888134.2 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2010, 337598142.4 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2011, 414084727.6 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2012, 344900356.4 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2013, 248195777.3 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2014, 422634073.9 ], [ "Private Sector Competitiveness", 2015, 43214614.75 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2009, 771599296.8 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2010, 1080900402 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2011, 2156577430 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2012, 1551635536 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2013, 961239503.8 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2014, 1539721701 ], [ "Protection, Assistance and Solutions", 2015, 20075286.73 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2006, 149475 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2008, 1255526.04 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2009, 152818784.4 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2010, 177552290.2 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2011, 201830325.3 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2012, 203009068.7 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2013, 171624811 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2014, 249131228.8 ], [ "Rule of Law and Human Rights", 2015, 19803779.54 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2008, 4214835.56 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2009, 407498458.1 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2010, 427294948.8 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2011, 816701726.7 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2012, 421607799.8 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2013, 509641750 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2014, 128715532.4 ], [ "Social Assistance", 2015, 26263948.29 ], [ "Social Services", 2007, 167938 ], [ "Social Services", 2008, 5636536.41 ], [ "Social Services", 2009, 102523108 ], [ "Social Services", 2010, 284115475.3 ], [ "Social Services", 2011, 266496467.8 ], [ "Social Services", 2012, 207291696.8 ], [ "Social Services", 2013, 49731141.77 ], [ "Social Services", 2014, 30384467.07 ], [ "Social Services", 2015, 17168831.31 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2009, 285996094.2 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2010, 43355148.77 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2011, 5184901981 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2012, 34846387.94 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2013, 15214582.13 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2014, 31976911.33 ], [ "Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform", 2015, 3418654 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2009, 121172084.3 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2010, 124623078.7 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2011, 115311794.9 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2012, 124107930.1 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2013, 132918645.6 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2014, 119171852.4 ], [ "Trade and Investment", 2015, 17953581.94 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2009, 15679201.82 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2010, 13877064.01 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2011, 13912487.4 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2012, 13942154.74 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2013, 11119218.2 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2014, 12925256.48 ], [ "Transnational Crime", 2015, 3385927.55 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2009, 78001776.02 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2010, 95194472.03 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2011, 133788136.6 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2012, 137787599.4 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2013, 147052014.4 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2014, 128140949.8 ], [ "Tuberculosis", 2015, 23871881.13 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2006, 9450691.22 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2007, 9591890.66 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2008, 13751666.29 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2009, 150424018.7 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2010, 259317926.6 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2011, 482127485.8 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2012, 630539523.1 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2013, 377747910 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2014, 250636518.2 ], [ "Water Supply and Sanitation", 2015, 28277236.13 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Sector'); data.addColumn('number','year'); data.addColumn('number','Aid Disbursement'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartMotionChartIDdf466756041() { var data = gvisDataMotionChartIDdf466756041(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 600; options["height"] = 500; options["state"] = '{"colorOption":"_UNIQUE_COLOR","orderedByY":false,"playDuration":15000,"yAxisOption":"2","xZoomedIn":false,"duration":{"multiplier":1,"timeUnit":"Y"},"xLambda":1,"yZoomedIn":false,"iconType":"BUBBLE","nonSelectedAlpha":0.4,"yZoomedDataMax":5184901981,"time":"2011","xZoomedDataMax":5184901981,"uniColorForNonSelected":false,"sizeOption":"2","yLambda":0,"dimensions":{"iconDimensions":["dim0"]},"yZoomedDataMin":-15515627.5,"showTrails":true,"orderedByX":false,"xZoomedDataMin":-15515627.5,"iconKeySettings":[],"xAxisOption":"2"};';
var chart = new google.visualization.MotionChart( document.getElementById('MotionChartIDdf466756041') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "motionchart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartMotionChartIDdf466756041); })(); function displayChartMotionChartIDdf466756041() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
Notice the crazy jump in “Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform” in 2011. Also notice the top sectors to which US aid is allocated include Infrastructure, Agriculture, HIV/AIDS, and Family Planing and Reproductive Health.
US Aid by Department Over Time
// jsData function gvisDataMotionChartIDdf4739fb676 () { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); var datajson = [ [ "Department of Defense", 2011, 5541041848 ], [ "Department of Defense", 2012, 163954556 ], [ "Department of Defense", 2013, 172576270.1 ], [ "Department of Defense", 2014, 14036720.83 ], [ "Department of Health and Human Services", 2013, 1300625936 ], [ "Department of Health and Human Services", 2014, 766606059 ], [ "Department of Health and Human Services", 2015, 38851348.81 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2009, 16404360 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2010, 17912612 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2011, 15630717 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2012, 16669196 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2013, 14795358 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2014, 13412017 ], [ "Inter-American Foundation", 2015, 362101 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2005, 4810834.64 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2006, 40469800 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2007, 127660083.6 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2008, 249151930.9 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2009, 521767053.9 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2010, 952133949.4 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2011, 1414878747 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2012, 1319435305 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2013, 1444575055 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2014, 962721364.7 ], [ "Millennium Challenge Corporation", 2015, 192225293.8 ], [ "Peace Corps", 2010, 157982505.2 ], [ "Peace Corps", 2011, 183716072.3 ], [ "Peace Corps", 2012, 179596458.9 ], [ "Peace Corps", 2013, 166733370.4 ], [ "Peace Corps", 2014, 167784319.7 ], [ "Peace Corps", 2015, 42041224.78 ], [ "U.S. African Development Foundation", 2009, 28594734.91 ], [ "U.S. African Development Foundation", 2010, 31255014.93 ], [ "U.S. African Development Foundation", 2011, 30949829.55 ], [ "U.S. African Development Foundation", 2012, 35346436.52 ], [ "U.S. African Development Foundation", 2013, 31247404.02 ], [ "U.S. African Development Foundation", 2014, 25582645.85 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2006, 300478523 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2007, 457711141.6 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2008, 770513247.7 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2009, 11013619290 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2010, 12344711980 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2011, 15163331690 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2012, 13952893280 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2013, 9730507485 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2014, 14746261050 ], [ "U.S. Agency for International Development", 2015, 1843408458 ], [ "U.S. Department of Agriculture", 2013, 278701858.8 ], [ "U.S. Department of Agriculture", 2014, 251025959.8 ], [ "U.S. Department of Agriculture", 2015, 34810177 ], [ "U.S. Department of State", 2012, 24448045.51 ], [ "U.S. Department of State", 2013, 84743298.42 ], [ "U.S. Department of State", 2014, 98140539.21 ], [ "U.S. Department of State", 2015, 12386069.39 ], [ "U.S. Department of the Treasury", 2011, 18716264 ], [ "U.S. Department of the Treasury", 2012, 17364417.62 ], [ "U.S. Department of the Treasury", 2013, 14364891.77 ], [ "U.S. Department of the Treasury", 2014, 16695889.81 ], [ "U.S. Department of the Treasury", 2015, 5374881.11 ] ]; data.addColumn('string','Department'); data.addColumn('number','year'); data.addColumn('number','Aid Disbursement'); data.addRows(datajson); return(data); }
// jsDrawChart function drawChartMotionChartIDdf4739fb676() { var data = gvisDataMotionChartIDdf4739fb676(); var options = {}; options["width"] = 600; options["height"] = 500; options["state"] = '{"xZoomedIn":false,"xZoomedDataMax":15163331690,"xAxisOption":"2","colorOption":"_UNIQUE_COLOR","xLambda":1,"yZoomedIn":false,"iconType":"BUBBLE","duration":{"timeUnit":"Y","multiplier":1},"yZoomedDataMax":15163331690,"orderedByX":false,"uniColorForNonSelected":false,"sizeOption":"2","time":"2011","yLambda":0,"dimensions":{"iconDimensions":["dim0"]},"yAxisOption":"2","showTrails":false,"orderedByY":false,"nonSelectedAlpha":0.4,"iconKeySettings":[],"xZoomedDataMin":362101,"yZoomedDataMin":362101,"playDuration":15000}; ';
var chart = new google.visualization.MotionChart( document.getElementById('MotionChartIDdf4739fb676') ); chart.draw(data,options);
// jsDisplayChart (function() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; var chartid = "motionchart";
// Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf) var i, newPackage = true; for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) { if (pkgs[i] === chartid) newPackage = false; } if (newPackage) pkgs.push(chartid); // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks callbacks.push(drawChartMotionChartIDdf4739fb676); })(); function displayChartMotionChartIDdf4739fb676() { var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || []; var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || []; window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad); // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are // targeting might not be part of the document yet window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() { var pkgCount = pkgs.length; google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() { if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) { // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback return; } while (callbacks.length > 0) callbacks.shift()(); } }); }, 100); }
// jsFooter
The department of Defense shows a jump in spending in 2011 which might explain the behavior of theStabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform sector. U.S Agency for International Development and the Millennium Challenge Corporation are top spenders.
Data and Code
The data is from and the file as I downloaded it is here.
The R code is here.